
    Survey Form

    Please help us to serve you better by completing this survey. It should take around 1 minute to complete.

    1. Overall, how satisfied are you with our service? Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeutralUnsatisfiedVery Unsatisfied

    2. Would you recommend our service to others? DefinitelyProbablyNot SureProbably NotDefinitely Not

    3. How well did we communicate with you? Very WellWellOn ParBad

    4. What aspect of the service were you most satisfied by? QualityPriceCustomer ServiceNone

    5. Overall, does the service meet your expectations? Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly DisagreeDon't Know

    6. Thinking of similar services offered by others, how would you compare the service offered by us? Much BetterSomewhat BetterAbout the SameSomewhat WorseMuch WorseDon't Know

    7. What do you like about the service?
    8. Areas That we can Improve in?
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